History of the Palestinian problem | Palestine Children's campaign

Why happen fight?

History of the Palestinian problem | Palestine Children's campaign In the wake the US terrorist attacks, have been advocated crisis of war again. Century was welcomed We are, I wonder will be also this century repeat the history of the war. In this study, re-verify the number of war that occurred in the 20th century, why war happens, go explore the mechanism. 0 century experienced two world wars, was said to be the century of war. Other than the World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and the Middle East war, the description of a number of war have been made in the textbook of world history. Together, I wonder if the blood of just how on this earth has been washed away. In such a 0 century, land that has been repeated often fight, West Asia, Southwest Asia, and still is a region called the Middle East, including the part of North Africa. Why war in this land has been repeated. In recent years, the history of war in the Middle East, beginning with the first Middle East War of the Second World War after or no year. By Israel and the Arab countries, this war was a battle for Palestine.

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