History of the Palestinian problem | Palestine Children's campaign

Palestinian problem Middle East war and the oil shock

History of the Palestinian problem | Palestine Children's campaign What was that the Palestinian problem? - the: Middle East war and the oil shock - Middle East after the second World War was as follows. After all, the Ottoman = was able to separate from the Turkish Empire in such things about Saudi Arabia, other Arab settlements, without permission borders is created by speculation of the United Kingdom, France, it will be divided. Syria is of France, Iraq, Jordan Palestine as Mandates of the United Kingdom, it has been in de facto colony. United Kingdom in the McMahon-Hussein Correspondence, because I always had promised the independence of the Arab nation, it will buy the anger of Arab people. On the other hand, the UK is not was because I had put out the Balfour Declaration, which sang the Zionist movement support of the Jews, we made the original trouble of Arab and Jewish of both ethnic groups. In fact, after the end of the war, Jews around the world are now one after another aimed at Palestine. In particular, it sets to 0's, and Hitler to establish a dictatorship in Germany, so far more Jews rushed to Palestine become refugees.

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