History of the Palestinian problem | Palestine Children's campaign

Palestine problem

History of the Palestinian problem | Palestine Children's campaign Palestine problem () 0 date at the time 0, hour, minute, and second Theme: world history practice lecture "Tell me briefly about the Middle East war? " The first Middle East War Following the (year known as Palestine war), Suez Crisis (year known as the Suez War) Six-Day War (Year-called six days war) The Yom Kippur War (year-called October War), there were times in all. In the assertion of the Arab side, I heard is sometimes referred to as the Lebanon invasion by Israel of the year and the fifth Middle East War, here following the first Middle East War of the last time, for the Middle East war of the remaining times, will talk in detail . "Suez Crisis - Suez War -" Suez Crisis has sparked in that it has declared that nationalization of the Suez Canal which President Nasser of Egypt is owned by the United Kingdom. At the time of Egypt in the coup by the Free Officers Movement (Nagi beech cell Sadat) that occurred in the year, it had become the Republic is overthrow the parent Ying specific monarchy.

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